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November 21, 2004

Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia

12.2.04 UPDATE: This today from Douglas:

Today in the mail came ten brand new copies of Animal Farm and a lovely used copy of A Christmas Carol. What fun to open the packages and begin the library. It felt like Christmas.

The first of many packages, I'm certain. Thanks to all who are helping to strengthen the good in Petrzalka.

11.27.04 UPDATE: Thanks to all who have helped so far in building the Petrzralka English-language library. Two updates to note: First, I've established STG as an Amazon.com Associate, so you can click on the links of books below, buy used copies, and have Amazon ship them to Slovakia. STG gets a cut if you do, and I'll use those funds to buy more books.

Second, the post was picked up by the good people at BookCrossing.com. You can see the thread here. Thanks to all the BC users who are sending books Douglas' way.

Thanks for helping to strengthen the good,

~ Alan


First of all, thanks to all who have sent emails about the New York Times article, and to those who have joined the network since ... I'm glad to see the idea of Strengthen The Good continues to have broad appeal (and if you're here for the first time and are interested in helping to strengthen that which is good, go here).

DDart2.jpg Today I want to highlight something a bit different, and in the interest of full disclosure I want everyone to know that the main party involved, Douglas Dart, has been a friend of mine for decades. Douglas, his wife, and his three young daughters are currently spending a year living in Bratislava, Slovakia. Doug's (unpaid) mission: teach English and American Studies to Slovakian high school students at a school called The C.S. Lewis Bilingual Gymnaziumin in Bratislava's Petrzalka district.

It's not easy duty, primarily because of the school's setting and condition .... but I'll let Douglas share that in his own words:

Dart Family Update #1, August 7, 2004

... Finally in Vienna at 10:30 A.M. with our body clocks telling us we should have gone to bed hours ago, we staggered into the waiting arms of Tom Johnson, a pastor from our church in Minnesota, and Miro Kocur, the headmaster of the school where I will be teaching. Ah--Help. They had two cars waiting to take us to Bratislava and as we put our bags in the back of Miro's car, he said, "Oh, I thought you would have a lot more luggage!" Thanks Mom.

During the ride, Miro told the story of when the wall came down. He and his friends walked all the way to the Austrian border and then crossed over into a little village, their first steps into the free world, steps he never knew if he would take. The Austrians greeted the throng of Slovaks with cheers and bottles of beer. Everyone here has a story about when the wall came down, and of course, life before it did ...

_1621184_bratislav150.jpg... Two days ago, I went to my first meeting at school and had my first big dose of culture shock. Across the river to the south is a huge compound of Soviet style high-rise apartments to the tune of 160,000 people in a few square miles. The area is called Petrzalka and it exudes a deep heaviness and sorrow. People trudge, grass doesn't grow, and everything feels gray even in the sunlight. It is in a word ugly, a huge scar from the deep wound of communism on this country, one that in some ways still festers.

stahovanie2.jpgAnd right in the middle of it is a little school that I feel in my bones is going to make a huge difference. Their energy, innovation and passion in spite of truly daunting obstacles (brutal bureaucracy, lack of resources, tiny salaries, to name a few) is humbling and I feel a great honor in being able to come alongside these good people and join in their struggle. Thank you again to all of you who have made this possible through your prayers and generosity. It is a good thing.

There's not a lot on Petrzalka on the web that's not in Slovakian, but there is some background here and photos here and here.

So what does this have to do with STG? Is it a call to send cash to Douglas and his family? No. Here's the chance to strengthen their good work, as written by Douglas' wife:

Dart Family Update #1, August 24, 2004

We have been in Bratislava for a month now and are settling in. Thank you for your e-mails. It is like opening a letter having the "in" box full.

stah14.jpgDouglas began working this week at the CS Lewis School. The kids start next week and the school is in physical chaos, as this is its first year. Douglas came home a little surprised after the first day of work, and with sore hands. The teachers and administrators scrubbed the rooms, getting them ready for the students. Grass roots beginnings. Douglas is excited about teaching here. There is a cultural enthusiasm for learning English; it is a ticket to success in many ways. So, he will teach The Crucible, Lord of the Flies, To Kill A Mockingbird -- in English. He does face one challenge in this endeavor; the school has no books and very little money. God willing, we are hoping to start a library here.

Douglas also writes:

I've struggled this year teaching literature from photocopies of short stories I've downloaded, and buying books out of my own pocket that I'm still awaiting delivery on.

And there's the opportunity: to help Douglas and the CS Lewis school bring English--which the students call "the language of freedom"--and a bit of genuine America--which is still widely misunderstood in the former East Block--to the teenagers of Petrzalka. Together, with just a bit of time and energy, we can build an English-language library right in the center of a former Soviet-era apartment complex.

Here's how we can help strengthen the good: Below is a list of books the school needs for the English and American Studies programs ... the items with an asterisk are those for which they need several copies (as many as twenty each to use for literature classes). Anything else they will use to build the library.

Douglas also notes that:

... obviously, people shouldn't feel limited by the list. If they have something in English that they think is worth sending, bring it on.

So if you've been waiting to get rid of that Baseball Almanac (Michele), here's your chance.

Here's Douglas' list. UPDATE: I've registered STG as an Amazon Associate. If you want to order a book right away for the school, rather than donate one at home--not a bad idea as they have used books for pennies on the dollar and will also ship it for you--click on the link. Not only will you help by sending a book, STG will get a commission that I'll use to buy even more books for the school. I'm updating the list with links to Amazon in stages, but hope to have all the links available over the course of today. Here's the list:

One way to think of it: send your favorite (or two, or three, or five) from the list above ... if it had an impact on your life, it will certainly have an impact on the life of a student in Petrzalka. Me, I'm sending The Fountainhead and The Killer Angels (because Howard Roark laughed, and because Laurence Chamberlain was the man).

You may send books to:

Douglas Dart
C.S. Lewis Bilingual High School
Benadicka 38
Bratislava 85106
Slovak Republic

To find shipping charges, go here (it costs less than $5 to send a package of a pound or less ... plenty of weight for a book or two).

Don't want to ship books? Then make a donation here and we'll buy the books for you (in Slovakia, if possible, to save on shipping charges) ... the donation through the STG PayPal account (the button is in the right-hand column) is tax deductible.

And finally, the usual disclaimer: Just because I've satisfied my qualification of this opportunity does not mean you've satisfied yours. You are responsible for satisfying your own qualification of this or any other charity STG may point to. But don't take my word for it: you can correspond with Douglas yourself via email at douglasdart at yahoo dot com.

The Slovak Republic, while bursting with freedom compared to just 10 years ago, is still by no means a wide and open forum. As Douglas told me recently, "It was amazing reading Command Post and other blogs on election day ... because stuff like that just couldn't happen here. The government wouldn't let it." Personally, I like the thought of freedom of thought and expression, which has already taken hold in Bratislava, sending her roots deep under the Petrzalka soil, watered by a spring of English-language literature set amongst the concrete towers.

Thanks for reading ... and thanks, as always, for helping to strengthen the good.

Posted by Alan at November 21, 2004 09:33 PM

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» Strengthen The Good: Send Your Books And Help Spread Freedom And Opportunity! from The Command Post Publisher's Desk
Want something the feel good about? Check out the latest profile at at Strengthen The Good: the work of Douglas Dart at The The C.S. Lewis Bilingual Gymnaziumin in Bratislava, Slovakia. The gist: Douglas and his family are in Bratislava... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 12:26 AM

» Strengthen The Good: Building a Future by Building a Library from Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog
trengthen The Good's newest charity is a book-donation project. Visit here to read the story of a little school in a land that once was communist, where the children are trying to build a library of books so they can learn English. [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 12:45 AM

» STG: Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers from Oh ... Really?
Strengthen the Good was born out of the ashes of despair in evil. But rather than fight back directly against the evil in the world, this mission seeks to weaken evil by Strengthening the Good.

Every three weeks or so, a call goes out to ... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 01:09 AM

» Strengthen The Good Network from Crystal Clear Reads
Strengthen The Good. From the blog:STG is the nexus of a network of bloggers committed to raising awareness for small charities around the world. Every three weeks this space highlights a new “micro-charity”—a small, inspiring charity, one with a... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 02:01 AM

» charitable blogging: SOA and STG from A Small Victory
A few things on the board today before I get down to morning blogging. First, thank you to everyone who has donated to Spirit of America through ASV. I'm not going to make the real push for fundraising until... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 05:36 AM

» charitable blogging: SOA and STG from A Small Victory
A few things on the board today before I get down to morning blogging. First, thank you to everyone who has donated to Spirit of America through ASV. I'm not going to make the real push for fundraising until after... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 05:40 AM

» Strengthen the Good from My Single Mom Life
Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia And there's the opportunity: to help Douglas and the CS Lewis school bring English--which the students call "the language of freedom"--and a bit of g... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 06:28 AM

» Strengthen the Good from My Single Mom Life
Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia And there's the opportunity: to help Douglas and the CS Lewis school bring English--which the students call "the language of freedom"--and a bit of g... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 06:28 AM

» STG: C.S. Lewis Bilingual Gymnaziumin from Solonor's Ink Well
It's time for another Strengthen the Good featured charity. This time, you can help build an English library for teenagers... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 06:33 AM

» Strengthen The Good from MuD & PHuD
STG has recently been registered as a 503(c) non-profit organization, allowing them to offer tax deductions in exchange for donations. The most recent group is the subject of Alan's email: Slovakian teenagers, at a small and poor school set amon... [Read More]

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» STG: Books for Slovakia from webgrits
Douglas Dart, his wife, a three children are on a... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 07:50 AM

» Last Post from INBB
We're leaving today, but just got this and thought it was a fitting post to leave up here for the next few months. Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia You may... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 09:07 AM

» Strengthen the Good, II from Meanderings
Okay, now that I have my new office semi-installed, it's time to clean off the bookshelves (multiple, plus boxes stored) of excess and donate them to a good cause. Alan at Strengthen the Good has another good cause underway. [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 09:32 AM

» Help Build a Library from Legacy Matters™
I am a fan of Strengthen the Good, the hub of a network of bloggers "committed to raising awareness for small charities around the world" by highlighting a microcharity every few weeks where $1 can make a difference.... A uniquely American invention, ... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 09:54 AM

» Strengthen The Good-English Lessons from Willow Tree
As an English teacher to English speaking children in a school system where there is a dearth of books suitable for my crew, I can tell you how difficult the lack of books makes my task. Everything has to be... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 09:59 AM

» Strengthen The Good-English Lessons from Willow Tree
As an English teacher to English speaking children in a school system where there is a dearth of books suitable for my crew, I can tell you how difficult the lack of books makes my task. Everything has to be... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 09:59 AM

» STG: Help Build an English Library from
Strengthen The Good has a great use for your old books. Alan's friend, Douglas Dart, is in Bratislava teaching English at The C.S. Lewis Bilingual Gymnazium. He is trying to set up an English language library for his students. Some of you may kno... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 10:07 AM

» Strengthening the Good from Meckz.NET :.:.
Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia First of all, thanks to all who have sent emails about the New York Times article, and to those who have joined the network since ... I'm glad to see... [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 10:08 AM

» Strengthening the good... books? from This Blog Is Full Of Crap
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Tracked on November 22, 2004 12:05 PM

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Tracked on November 22, 2004 05:59 PM

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Today, I received an email from Strengthen the Good about their cause du jour, An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia.

Follow the link, a [Read More]

Tracked on November 22, 2004 09:05 PM

» Books are incredible things from murdoc online
Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia This month the Strengthen The Good Network wants to help build the C. S. Lewis Bilingual High School library.And there's the opportunity: to help Dou... [Read More]

Tracked on November 23, 2004 12:27 PM

» Strengthen The Good-English Lessons from Willow Tree
As an English teacher to English speaking children in a school system where there is a dearth of books suitable for my crew, I can tell you how difficult the lack of books makes my task. Everything has to be... [Read More]

Tracked on November 23, 2004 12:56 PM

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This week's micro-charity is something that's especially close to my heart. I love books and the power that they lend to people. This week's STG is especially interesting to me: Douglas, his wife, and his three young daughters are currently spending ... [Read More]

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Tracked on December 1, 2004 03:19 AM

» Last Post from INBB
We're leaving today, but just got this and thought it was a fitting post to leave up here for the next few months. Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia You may... [Read More]

Tracked on December 3, 2004 12:02 PM

» Last Post from INBB
We're leaving today, but just got this and thought it was a fitting post to leave up here for the next few months. Strengthening The Good: You, By Helping Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia You may... [Read More]

Tracked on December 3, 2004 12:06 PM


I think this a fantastic cause. I have a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird sitting on my shelf so I will mail it off to you tomorrow.

All the very best to you for your work in Bratislava :)

Posted by: Sayaka [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 8, 2004 06:04 PM

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