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August 19, 2004

Update: 127 Members & Counting

127 blogs and counting in the network, which is something to feel good about in itself, I think. We're making progress in identifying our Charley charity ... it might be a bit more macro that what will be our standard—things are simply just so chaotic down there (still), that finding that perfect person may take weeks, let alone days—but it won’t be United Way macro.

And we really should act while people are in the greatest need.

But that's my problem to solve, and I expect that this Sunday night I'll email the first charity post. In the meantime, you can get a sense of just how chaotic things are in Gulf-Coast Florida by visiting this large gallery of post-Charley aerial photos, taken by a Florida DJ (the "Schnitt Show"). They are astonishing. (Nod to Seki.)

Thanks for all you do to strengthen the good.

Posted by Alan at August 19, 2004 01:08 PM

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» For an incredible gallery of hurricane Charley, from My Single Mom Life
Check out the amazing aerial photos taken by MJ of 93.3 WFLZ at this link: MJ/The Schnitt Show. Nod to Strentghen the Good. Send whatever help you can to any of the organizations listed in the extended entry.... [Read More]

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» Going to try with a little help from my friends from Shutterblog
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